Deutsche und niederländische Hinterglasmalerei vom Mittelalter bis zur Renaissance
German and Dutch reverse glass painting from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
published by Simone Bretz, Carola Hagnau, Oliver Hahn, Hans-Jörg Ranz
With contributions from Ursula Baumer, Simone Bretz, Patrick Dietemann, Annika Dix, Carola Hagnau, Oliver Hahn, Martha Hör, Yves Jolidon, Doris Oltrogge, Erwin Pokorny, Hans-Jörg Ranz, Peter Steppuhn, Christoph Stooss, Dagmar Täube, Stefan Trümpler, Matthias Weniger, Sophie Wolf und Timo Wolff
Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich 2016
The richly illustrated publication is dedicated to the beginnings of German and Dutch reverse glass painting. An interdisciplinary team of art historians, conservators and scientists examined reverse glass pictures from museums and collections at Germany and abroad, which were created between 1300 and 1600. In the first part of the book an art and cultural-historical classification is made and the technology of Schwarzlot-paint of reverse glass works is discussed. Extensive scientific contributions to German, Dutch and Swiss reverse paintings on glass, panel painting, stained glass and graphic templates as well as technological contributions to glass production, reverse painted glass and cold paint techniques, pigments and binding medias give a deep insight into the current state of research. 35 selected objects with numerous illustrations are presented.