
The “Conference on reverse glass painting” is a public, international meeting in which more than 700 participants from 14 nations have taken part since 2006. The symposium includes lectures, discussions, guided tours and visits and brings together collectors, art historians, museum experts and conservators, as well as artists and friends of reverse glass painting, for a lively exchange. The conference takes place periodically in autumn in museums at changing venues and is organized by the Kunstsammlungen und Museen der Stadt Augsburg.
The 13th conference is planned for October 11/12, 2024 at the Museum Werdenfels in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

The respective conference program can be viewed by clicking on the flyer.

2006 Schloßmuseum Murnau

2007 Museum Oberammergau

2008 Römisches Museum, Augsburg

2009 Vitrocentre Romont/Schweiz

2010 Museum “Schöne Stiege”, Riedlingen

2011 Residenz Würzburg

2012 Maximilianmuseum, Augsburg

2013 Schloßmuseum Murnau

2015 Stadtmuseum Kaufbeuren

2017 Buchheim Museum Bernried / Museum Penzberg – Sammlung Campendonk

2019 Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum, Innsbruck

2022 Maximilianmuseum, Augsburg